Day 38: Fargo, ND – Grand Forks, ND (12.6.24)
Hello everyone, Today we went from Fargo, North Dakota to Grand Forks, North Dakota – the last bit north. If I drove further north, I would already be in Canada tomorrow. But I don’t want that, so tomorrow morning I’m turning sharply west in Grand Forks. The attentive reader may have noticed that I made a small leap on yesterday’s rest day – I missed a major bad weather front with single-digit temperatures, storms and rain in Minnesota. My trip should still be a bit of fun and, as I’m almost 60, my storm and stress period is actually already over. This morning in Fargo the fun started straight away – pure sunshine and a good 20 degrees. Initially on somewhat bumpy roads, which soon got better, we always headed north. There was almost no traffic, no idea where everyone was. Not 20 cars overtook me over the almost 130km. The wind, my friend, first came from diagonally behind (southwest), then turned to the side (west) and in the last 30km it had to set the tone again and came head on. But that’s life, you have to get through it. You can read about everything else I experienced in the book – I’m looking forward to it…