Day 30: Pittsburgh, PA – Kent, OH (4.6.24)

Good morning everyone, After a nerve-wracking day yesterday, I’m now standing in front of the hotel with my freshly repaired bike and ready to go. It’s around 9 a.m. and already really warm. I would like to try whether it would be better to drive with a small trailer to reduce the load on the bike. Unfortunately this turned out to be a complete fallacy, it was much more difficult to drive, the trailer dragged uphill like a madman, skidded downhill and the charge indicator dropped every minute. So after 9km we unfortunately had to separate again – the little trailer now lives on a small farm near Pittsburgh. Anyone who knows Pittsburgh knows that the route, no matter in which direction, is brutal. Up, down, tight, dirty, up and down. After around 30km it got a little quieter and after almost 50km the Ohio River came and then things really got going again. The climbs were endless and my bike needed a break every 2-3km. All the effort involved in repairs? I could have saved myself, because it didn’t do much good. At some point the gradients became flatter, but never stopped until the end. At least the sun was laughing all day – whether it was smiling at me or laughing at me, we will probably never know.

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