Restday 19 – 21: Ruhetage (24.-26.5.24)

Good morning everyone,

the last days with my owner are coming up – I will take her to Boston, from where she will fly back home. She will hold the fort at home and take on some family responsibilities again – such as caring for her mother. When I’ve finished my tour, she’ll come back to Florida and we’ll spend another two relaxing weeks on the beach. We divided the trip to Boston into three stages. Originally I wanted to see a little something on the way in Washington, New York or Boston, but the traffic was once again a disaster and so we were happy every evening that we even made it to the hotel. The day I said goodbye to my dear owner, who had fearlessly followed me over hill and dale for 18 days, was hard and every time I think about it, my throat tightens. I actually thought I would be a tougher dog – but I was probably wrong. When I dropped her off at the airport, I immediately drove back half the distance so that I wouldn’t have to sit in the car for so long on May 27th, when the tour restarted.

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